April 15, 2020


   CI status

      Everything should be green now

   Github actions

      Adjusted PR for NPM: https://github.com/pulp/pulp_npm/pull/13

      Future, waiting on more features from Github Actions

         Need a way to restart jobs inside workflow

         Need a way to reuse jobs in different workflows

      AI: daviddavis to review and merge npm PR

   Out of the box CI on plugin_template


      AI: mdellweg to look into improving docs around

   Single container in CI - https://pulp.plan.io/issues/6477

      Have plugin_template deliver Dockerfile and playbook to each plugin

   Start publishing containers to Docker Hub in addition to quay

   We need to update descriptions on a few repo:




      https://github.com/pulp/pulp-packaging (specify Pulp 2)

      https://github.com/pulp/pulp (specify Pulp 2)

      https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore (specify Pulp 3)

   S3 testing

      Can we use the s3 ansible module to set up the pulp bucket?

         Having trouble using the module, docs are not great

      Can we switch to localstack instead of minio?

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