On Nov 18, 2014, at 11:04 AM, Eric Sorenson <eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com> 

> 7. Umm.. I think that's all.

Wow thanks for all the responses, there are a ton of very good questions in 
here -- some of them got answered inline and I think we rolled up the rest into 
this little FAQ. which I''m sure will generate a new set of questions :) 

0 - Which platforms will get FOSS AIO packages?

RHEL/Centos 5, 6, 7
Fedora 20, 21
Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04, 14.04
Debian Squeeze, Wheezy
Windows x86, x64

Commercial OS'es (Windows excepted) will get PE-only AIO
SLES 10, 11
Solaris 10,11
Mac OS X

1 - How do I manage gems with AIO ruby?

Use the AIO included gem binary. ('/opt/puppet/agent/bin/gem install 
somerandomgem') To make this easier, we can either fix PUP-3688 or add a module 
with a minimal 'puppet_gem' provider using the AIO path.

2 - Will there be security updates, etc?

Yes, absolutely.

3 - Will it include puppetdb-terminus?


4 - What will the release cadence look like? What if I want to manage component 
upgrades on a different cadence than upstream, e.g. just facter, or just hiera?

We're planning to provide three trains of packaging:
        • Nightlies, that get built whenever there's a change in one of the 
component repositories that passes through CI. These will essentially track the 
latest, like the nightly repos do now.
        • Roll-up releases that would track tagged versions of the component 
repositories. This would work like having 'ensure => latest' pointed at the 
current 'products' repository.
        • PE releases that track stable releases and are coordinated with the 
rest of the PE ecosystem, are QA tested, and have some set of backports / 
commercial enhancements.

For power users who want more control than that, we’ll have documentation on 
how to roll your own. The tooling to create AIO will itself be open-sourced so 
you could build a package that picks the versions you want to include. 

5 - Why not use a metapackage which has no content of its own, but has 
requirements on specific versions of the other 'real' packages that contain the 
actual programs?
        • Avoiding a coordinated major version ship across all projects… We're 
changing the layout on the filesystem (moving to opt) for a few reasons, 
including shipping our own stack without conflicting with system libraries. 
This kind of change shouldn't be done in a "y" release (of x.y.z). Components 
that have been updated can’t mix/match with components that haven’t. Example: A 
user has facter ensure => latest, but not puppet. They’ll get facter with the 
new layout (and maybe the new PL-provided ruby, if its a dependency of the new 
facter), but not puppet, and have a broken install. If the meta-package 
provides facter, then users with ensure => latest on facter but not puppet will 
have a completely new install of their whole stack. Neither of these are ideal. 
To avoid any automatic installs, we could have facter *not* provide itself, 
which is also probably not the route to go down. The AIO ensures users have 
everything they need at the same time, and can just continue using the agent 
after upgrade.
        • We want to simplify the endpoint install experience for users. A 
single endpoint puppet agent package is arguably among the simplest possible 
deployment mechanisms.
        • Meta-package only solves the problem for agents with a package 
manager that can do remote dependency resolution. We want the install 
experience for agents to be excellent/seamless regardless of the platform you 
are running, and be the same experience across the board. Users installing a 
Solaris 10 agent package shouldn’t have a different experience than users 
installing a Debian 7 agent package.

6 - Will using AIO puppet/mco to upgrade AIO work?

Once we have AIO packages ready, we’ll be doing some testing of upgrade 

7 - Why are you dropping 3.x agent compat with 4.0 master?

We didn’t take this decision lightly, and it came down to getting 4.0 features 
out into people’s hands sooner rather than later.

Backward compatibility on the network in this case is a fair bit of work, which 
we haven’t fully scoped, so in 4.0 we opted for the current tradeoff.

We recommend users take a “migrate, not update” approach to 4.0 upgrades, and 
people taking this approach probably won’t much care about this change.


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