On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Trevor Vaughan <tvaug...@onyxpoint.com>

> Hi Nigel,
> This is a tangent, but I would also like to see more advanced content at
> the Puppet Camps.
> Would anyone be open to a dual tracked Puppet Camp?
> Beginner/Intermediate + Business and Advanced + Hackathon?
> Trevor

It's something we've definitely considered, but is difficult to justify
given the small number of folks who register as "Advanced" at Camps (and
yes, I recognize this can be self-fulfilling if we only have
beginner/intermediate content).

We lose a lot of the network effects by moving away from one track, and
splitting the content like this means we need to send more staff, which
means we can't afford to do as many PuppetCamps. I'm not a huge fan of
half-arsed hackathons either :)

We're not ignoring the problem, but our focus for more advanced topics has
been the Contributor Summits we run in the US and EU, as well as PUGs
(depending upon the attendee mix in a given region).

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