On 10/18/2010 03:13 PM, jcbollinger wrote:

I'm guessing you mean you have written sub-*classes* to do that job.
That is indeed the Puppet way to do it, and I don't find it at all

Classes, yes - sorry, i should know better than to post before the first coffee of the day. :P

Perhaps you already understand this, but you do not grok Puppet until
you know in your bones that Puppet is about achieving and maintaining
*state*, and only incidentally about doing particular work.  In this

That is an excellent point.

As a practical matter, an advantage of the subclass approach is that,
if done right, including both the base class and the ::no class works,
and results in the web service being absent (as if just the ::no class
were included).  That means you don't have to worry about finding and
changing all the places in a complex configuration that the base class
may be included.

Very good, thank you for your commentary ; assuming no other contradictory advice, i will continue writing ::no-style classes across the board.

Daniel Maher <dma AT witbe DOT net>
"The Internet is completely over." -- Prince

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