On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 4:56 AM, Felix Frank
<felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de> wrote:
> I guess what you're getting at is this: No, puppet is not exactly good
> at "uninstall this now and from then on, don't care about it anymore".
> This is not what puppet has been conceived for, though.

OK - but putting (config) files into place is most of what we do with it right?

We need to be able to manage them after putting them there, and that
includes removing them.

> If you're on the purge train, you won't want your package manager to
> interfere with your conf.d directories. Instead, puppet will need the
> whole picture of what should be in the conf.d.
> Most puppet providers (package, host, mount, cron etc.) strive to do the
> opposite, and amend to a given state. Purge is a way to switch
> paradigms. If you choose to do that, be prepared to deal with the
> consequences.

Can you flesh out what other consequences you see?

 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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