Thanks for the reply.  The modules mount is okay:

  allow *

I am just trying to track down why the puppetmaster can't locate the
file in question even though it is there are permissions are okay.
What would be a good place to look in the puppet code to find out what
paths it is actually checking?  Maybe something in modules.rb?


On Dec 6, 4:45 pm, Stefan Schulte <>
> On Mon, Dec 06, 2010 at 03:31:01PM -0800, Eric Snow wrote:
> > Thanks for the feedback.  My understanding is that the first part of
> > the path has to be the location for the file server to do the lookup
> > (as in the /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf file).  Without this the
> > puppetmaster would not know where to look for the files.  Was this
> > something that works for you?
> > My real concern is that the fileserver portion of the puppetmaster
> > code is not properly handling a modulepath with multiple entries.  Any
> > ideas where I can verify this?  Thanks.
> > -eric
> Since the default modulepath has more than one entry
> (etc/puppet/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules) i dont think that puppet
> really has a problem with that. But i suggest to remove your
> fileserver.conf. Or at least check that you havent overwritten the
> modules mount.
> -Stefan
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