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> dont you find having to specify the relationships of httpd::ssl and
> httpd here to be wrong?
> Isn't the fact that the httpd module is designed to have this
> ordering requirement an implementation detail and not a usage
> detail?
> Surely people who just want to use the httpd module do not need to
> know this implementation detail?  They should just be able to say use
> the module without understanding or knowing the ordering of
> internals.
> It's also not very DRY.

Yep, I also recently started thinking about various new introduced
problems I see with parametrized classes. For example, how could I do
the following in the future with parametrized classes:

class apache {}
define apache::vhost(){
  include ::apache

so the user only needs to define:

apache::vhost{'example.com': }

and everything else is pulled in automatically.

This gives a very nice interface, is easy to use and if this way of
writing puppet code wouldn't be anymore possible my infrastracture code
would get *very* overloaded and ugly.

And as R.I.Pienaar outlined later, we learned in the past to deal with
the current scoping problems, but still producing more or less nice
code. Although, I agree that parametrized classes provide a much nicer
interface and I'm very happy they got introduced, I'm already seeing
some problems with them:

class apache($version = 'latest') {}
define apache::vhost(){
  class{'apache': }

This will raise problems if we define a second vhost. With the current
scoping issues and my rule of thumb ("First define all variables, then
include classes") I had no problem with writing:

$apache_version = '2.2.18'
apache::vhost{'example.com': }
apache::vhost{'cdn.example.com': }

But how would I do that now?

A possible solution would be to put the variables in a config class:

class apache::config($version='latest'){}
class apache {
    ensure => "${apache::config::version}",
define apache::vhost(){
  include ::apache

and then write:

class{'apache::config': version => '2.2.18' }
apache::vhost{'example.com': }
apache::vhost{'cdn.example.com': }

But how can I ensure that apache::config is loaded/included/applied when
we include ::apache?

I currently only see:

class apache {
  if !defined(Class['apache::config']){
    class{'apache::config': }
    ensure => "${apache::config::version}",

But this raises other ordering problems and breaks another rule of thumb
of mine: Never use defined() as it can be seen as codesmell, for example
exactly due to the ordering problems it raises.
But this is the best solution I can currently come up with. Although, it
still smells in my opinion.


PS: Sorry, to come up with code examples, however I think I can express
the current *new* limitations with them the best way. I will try to
think about a non-code discussion contribution and maybe add it later to
the thread.
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