
I am farly new to puppet and wanted to start configure a couple of my

I started to write a little test manifest and tryed to update the
puppet client configuration as a test.

This is my site.pp
#set fileserver to get files from
$fileserver = "puppet.hugoboss.com"

#import different manifets / modules get loaded by default
import "puppetclient.pp"

# all hosts get these actions
node default {
        include puppetclient

and this is the included puppetclient.pp
cat puppetclient.pp

#create puppet directory for loggin etc, this is default for all
#also copy our puppet config files first, when done restart service
and continoue

class puppetclient {

        package {
                        ensure => installed;
                        ensure => installed;

        file {
                        ensure => directory,
                        owner => "puppet",
                        group => "puppet",
                        mode => 0644;
                        owner => "root",
                        path => "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf",
                        source => 
                        owner => "root",
                        path => "/etc/puppet/auth.conf",
                        source => "puppet://$fileserver/files/auth-agent.conf";
                        owner => "root",
                        path => "/etc/puppet/namespaceauth.conf",
                        source => 

        service {
                        ensure => true,
                        enable => true,
                        subscribe => [File["puppet.conf"], File["auth.conf"],
File["namespaceauth.conf"], Package[puppet] ]



As you can tell, I guess nothing special.

All files get transfered to the client, but when I change a file for
example the puppet.conf I get in the syslog a msg

Mar 23 17:35:26 test-box puppet-agent[32527]: Could not run Puppet
configuration client: SIGQUIT

Also the new configuration is not applied. I changed the "runinterval"
value from 180 sec to 20 sec, but still only every 30min I see a
This only works if I manually do a

/etc/init.d/puppet restart

I am running a opensuse 11.3 x86 and build the RPM myself using the
puppet specfile present in the tarbal.

Can anyone help me out what I am missing?

Thank you very much

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