Hi John,

thnx you for an answer. I think cron might be a good option.


On 24 Mrz., 14:03, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:
> On Mar 24, 6:33 am, stefanero <stefan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I need to adjust the runinterval for example, because 30min is way to
> > often when you change something once a month.
> Naturally you do need to choose a run interval that is appropriate for
> your situation.  Do remember, however, that Puppet is about more than
> pushing out intentional configuration changes.  It is also about
> *maintaining* your systems' configurations in the state you have
> declared, in the face of possible alterations arising from other
> sources.  It is also about monitoring, if you so choose.
> None of that makes 30 minutes any kind of magic interval, but I do
> encourage you to take the whole picture into account when you choose
> an interval.
> > Therefor I would have to update the puppet.conf file , and then give
> > the client a restart to take its new config.
> > Well I did another test,
> > took out puppet.conf from the service definition, and changed
> > puppet.conf.
> > The client received an update, but it did not "restart" itself, so the
> > old configuration was still active. So the client did not check if its
> > config changed or not.
> > Of course I could write a little script, to check when the puppet.conf
> > changed and restart the puppet agent.
> > But this seams to me just a workaround :-/
> > maybe someone knows a way to accomplish this.
> Some people trigger regular puppetd runs via cron instead of running
> puppetd in daemon mode.  I think most choose that route for other
> reasons, but it certainly avoids problems with puppetd recognizing
> changes to its own configuration.
> John

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