And as an additional note, there is a related bug/feature open for it:

On Sep 13, 9:49 am, Bart Descamps <> wrote:
> I had a similar problem with my nagios server where the catalog run
> took about 500seconds for about 100 nodes with about 1000 services,
> most of which were generated with exported resources/stored config. We
> use the Naginator-resources in puppet.
> However, the main speed issue was not with the fetching of these
> resources but with calculating the checksums of all the files I used
> (to see if there were changes compared to the master). As was
> suggested in the 0.25.x-documentation we put our hosts and our
> services in different .cfg-files (in my case we choose to have a file
> per host or hostgroup with all of its services included). Yesterday I
> changed this however to only a couple of files. In services.cfg for
> example all services are kept now... same thing for hosts.cfg,
> hostgroups.cfg and commands.cfg.
> My puppetrun now takes about 160 seconds, which is still very slow in
> my opinion but a big gain compared to the 500 seconds before. The
> compile time has pretty much stayed the same (about 80 seconds), but
> at clientside we gained a lot of time.
> Maybe you can try if the same action works for you?
> The MD5-checksum of Puppet seems to be very slow indeed. We also don't
> understand why it takes so long, but apparently it does.
> Kind regards,
> Bart
> On Sep 13, 8:35 am, Peter Meier <> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > > The good thing with this method is that you can manage the module
> > > directory (where the different config file excerpts are stored) with
> > > 'purge => true' so that only exported resources are present in the final
> > > nagios configuration (something that native types don't handle very well
> > > -- or actually handle very badly).
> > Yes, because purging the directory would unexport the resource of the
> > decomissioned host. But, as other resources might have been exported as
> > well, that can't be purged by that trick, I would still recommend to
> > clean up decommissioned hosts with the "puppet node clean" face-action,
> > that got partially merged into 2.7.3 and hopefully will be fully (with
> > the important parts for our discussion) merged into 2.7.4.
> > ~pete
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