We have an existing "management system" of sorts, based on rdist. I'd like 
to know the best way to migrate it to using puppet.

Currently, we have a local binaries tree, rdisted out nightly.   We also 
make use of rdist's extra capability to trigger scripts when and if named 
files are updated.
I'm not sure what the best method would be, of converting this to puppet.

I havent found any puppet method that seems clearly designed for, 
"replicate this large tree of files out to clients".
The local tree is 260megs, in 5800 files.
Converting all that stuff to be package based, would be a chore.   It would 
also meet with a great deal of pushback from admins who are used to making 
changes by just logging on to the rdist master, changing the tree, and then 
being done.  Building a new package for every change, woud be very 

Even if I limited the puppet involvement, to just "if file /xx/yy changes, 
do z" triggers... doesnt that require that it has some master copy of 
/xx/yy somewhere to compare to?
Or is it that the local puppet demon takes timestamps the first time it 
runs? but then what about when the demon restarts?

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