On Apr 28, 9:53 am, Philip Brown <p...@bolthole.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, April 28, 2012 2:11:23 AM UTC-7, Luke Bigum wrote:
> > Yes, Puppet is perfect for your file-copy-and-hook scenario. In Puppet
> > speak it's "notify" and "subscribe" between resources, here's a very
> > quick example that will restart Some Daemon if /etc/resolv.conf
> > changes:
> > node 'somehost' {
> >   class { 'resolv': }
> > }
> > class resolv {
> >   $resolv_conf  = '/etc/resolv.conf'
> >   $service_name = 'some-daemon'
> >   file { $resolv_conf:
> >     source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/${resolv_conf}",
> >     notify => Service[$service_name],
> >   }
> ....
> But that requires the files be hosted on the puppet master.
> What if the conf files are still rdisted out under /rdist/base instead?
> What does that look like?

It looks exactly like what you are now doing (i.e. no Puppet).  How do
you suppose Puppet is going to recognize that it needs to notify a
service if it's not managing the file?  Really, think about it: how
might Puppet know a file changed if it's not the one changing it?
Could all that extra work really be an improvement over rdist
triggers?  (Hint: not likely.)

I think it would be useful to you to consider what you hope to achieve
by incorporating Puppet into your infrastructure.  Your rdist system
must be working fairly well because you seem resistant to changing
it.  What, then, do you think Puppet can bring to the table?


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