On Thursday, January 24, 2013 12:11:45 PM UTC-6, Ellison Marks wrote:
> Just my two cents here. I've had some major problems in the past with 
> using puppet to manage a file installed by a package which is also managed 
> by puppet. Now, I haven't revisited the problem since 2.6, but my intuition 
> was that since the file to be managed didn't exist at the start of the run, 
> puppet got confused and flubbed the dependencies. My "solution" was to 
> handle installing repos when I install the machine, as part of the 
> kickstart.
How odd.  It's pretty routine to manage, for example, the package, config 
file, and status of a service with Puppet.  There must be thousands of 
manifests exhibiting this general pattern:

class foo {
  package { 'foo': ensure => installed }

  # Manages a file provided by Package['foo']:
  file { '/etc/foo.conf':
    require => Package[foo],
    content => template('foo.conf.erb')

  # Tweaks a file touched by Package['foo']'s install
  # script:
  service { 'foo':
    enable => true,
    ensure => 'running',
    subscribe => [ Package['foo'], File['/etc/foo.conf'] ]

And it works, provided that there are no cycles in the relationship graph.  
Whether the physical resources to be managed exist at the beginning of a 
run are immaterial to Puppet.  Resource application order is a matter of 
resource definitions in the catalog; the physical resources to which they 
correspond do not factor in to ordering.

In at least some versions of Puppet, the agent handles relationship cycles 
by choosing a relationship to ignore, thus breaking the cycle.  It may be 
that the OP is seeing that behavior.  I am anyway inclined to suspect that 
there is more to the picture.  Matthew's suggestion to have Puppet generate 
the relationship graph is a good one.

Also, with respect to providers: Puppet chooses default providers on a 
per-resource-type basis, without regard to the parameters of any given 
resource instance.  So, if you want to use the 'rpm' Package provider on a 
yum-based system, then you will need to use the 'provider' parameter to 
tell Puppet so.


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