On Mon, 27 Sep 2010 04:42:00 -0700 (PDT), jmcarval <jmcar...@fe.up.pt> wrote:
> Hi.
> Installed PyCUDA 0.94.1 in several Linux boxes.
> All have Ubuntu 10.4 with CUDA 3.1 (drv 256.40) and python 2.6.5
> Boxes with 1.1 capability GPUs like 8600GT, 9400 GT or FX850 are ok and some
> user's are already trying them.
> Boxes with 1.3 (GTX280) and 2.0 (GTX480) have dificulties just running the
> supplied tests. On these:
> test_cumath.py passes all tests but is 5 times slower in the GTX280 and
> 40(!) times slower in the GTX480
> As far as I can see, this test never uses float64

This might just be due to the G80/G92 compilers being faster than the
280/480 ones. In general, the tests are not meant for benchmarking. That
said, I don't really observe slowdowns like that.

> test_gpuarray.py is 2 times slower in the GTX280 and fails the dot, sum,
> minmax and subset_minmax tests on the GTX480.

I can't reproduce these issues on the Fermi devices (all C2050s on
Linux) that I have access to, so I'm having a hard time tracking down
this problem. Any help would be much appreciated.

As a hypothesis: Are there multiple versions of the Fermi silicon? Any
way to detect which one you have?


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