On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 23:56:47 +0200, Tomasz Rybak <bogom...@post.pl> wrote:
> I have idea for (maybe) checking whether problem is with PyCUDA,
> CUDA toolkit, or driver.
> Can you force PyCUDA to generate not sm_20 code, but 1x?
> I have found that it is determined in line 190 of file
> pycuda/compiler.py:
> arch = "sm_%d%d" % Context.get_device().compute_capability()
> Try to change it to
> arch = "sm_10"
> and so on, and check whether you get incorrect 14 in such
> a case.
> If there is simpler way of changing architecture to which
> PyCUDA generates code, feel free to use it and share this
> information.

arch can be overridden from the SourceModule arguments:

I'm getting 30;30 on a C2050 with the 3.2rc drivers/toolkit.


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