See for example this thread from last month:
More search in the forum should give you more answers, as I assume
this is a faq.

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 8:11 PM, Julien Cornebise
<> wrote:
>> "In the more expensive "Tesla" configurations, the chip features optional
>> ECC protection on the memory, and can perform one double-precision floating-
>> point operation per cycle per core; the consumer GeForce cards are
>> artificially driver restricted to one DP operation per four cycles. "
>> So, if I want double-precision float performance, what are my choices?
> I never benchmarked Tesla vs GTX, however you're not looking into the
> same price range *at all* (think ten-fold increase).
> You may find more specific answers on the nvidia forums dedicated to
> CUDA, as this list is more targetted to the specific software toolbox
> pyCuda.
> Best,
> Julien Cornebise

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