On Tue, 3 May 2011 17:06:22 -0400, Frédéric Bastien <no...@nouiz.org> wrote:
> I find those 2 names good.
> I have 2 questions about .contig_bytes:
> 1) Why do we need it? As we changed the interface, I don't see a need.
> User can use .flags.forc to check if it is contiguous.

I actually like the semantics of asserting contiguity by choosing to
access the data through a certain attribute.

But having .gpudata and .bytes seems asymmetric. So I'd remove .gpudata
From documentation, then deprecate it (in a few months), and finally
remove it a few releases down the road, only keeping .bytes and

> 2) What should .contig_bytes do when it is not contiguous? Don't
> exist? Copy it automatically?

No, just be a synonym for what .gpudata is now.

>     Do have the copy automatic, I think we should use the same
> interface as numpy.{ascontiguousarray(c contiguous),asfortranarray}.

Agreed--if it costs time, it shouldn't be an attribute.


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