I agree that a skype call will help.

Are both of you available Friday?



2011/5/11 Andreas Kloeckner <kloeck...@cims.nyu.edu>:
> On Wed, 11 May 2011 13:53:41 -0400, James Bergstra <james.bergs...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Another possibility is to start a new project that is technically
>> distinct from PyCUDA and PyOpenCL, although certainly built with
>> interoperability in mind.  PyCUDA and PyOpenCL could be seen as
>> lightweight wrappers around CUDA and OpenCL. Since neither of these
>> standards has an n-dimensional tensor datatype, then it could be seen
>> as a loss of focus to add one.
> Disagreed, given that
> a) they both already have one
> and
> b) almost everyone using them will be processing some sort of array
> data.
>> At the same time, a standalone project could provide a datatype that is
>> compatible with *both* CUDA and OpenCL.
> Again, disagreed--there are enough interface differences to make this
> annoying to write, ranging from explicit-vs-implicit context, to
> scheduling, to CL needing buffer+index where as CUDA is ok with just a
> pointer.
> What I think *is* possible is for there to be some common
> infrastructure--and that's exactly where I'm headed with this package
> 'compyte' that you may have noticed.
>> The datatype consists essentially of
>> a float pointer and shape and stride info.  Since host-allocated OpenCL
>> buffers can be de-referenced from non-OpenCL code, and I understand that in
>> some cases OpenCL-allocated buffers can be passed to CUDA routines (is this
>> true?)
> (not as far as I know)
>> it would be nice if the data-type helped to gloss over these
>> differences as much as possible.
> Agreed--the two types should be as similar as humanly possible, which is
> perhaps technically feasible by deriving from the same base class.
>> So how about starting a new project with the datatype that Fred describes,
>> with the small addition of like a 'context' pointer or something, and
>> possibly a 'context_type' enum that says whether it was an OpenCL or a CUDA
>> or a HOST pointer that is allocated.
> I'd like such a project--but I think it makes more sense to put this
> into 'common' infrastructure rather than on top as a separate package.
>> The type can provide a python binding in C or python that supports numpy
>> compatibility in cases where the data is stored in a way that is compatible
>> with host-side pointers.
> Easily doable by implementing the PEP 3118 array interface.
>> The library can provide native C implementations of calls to CUBLAS,
>> CUSPARSE, CUFFT, CURAND, and possibly some basic unary and binary
>> arithmetic.
> I'm hesitant to glue CU* into the interface, but I support being able to
> abstractly ask for these things. (As in, "FFT this array.")
> I think the main value proposition comes from implementing basic
> arithmetic (with broadcasting, views, and strides) well, the FFT,
> sparse, etc are just cherries on top.
>> This would essentially be a C package at first I think, and so
>> operations that require any amount of code generation should be handled by
>> higher level packages in different programming languages (e.g. python).
>> This sounds a bit like a proposal to reimplement numpy
> It absolutely is--but numpy is simply not a GPU/CL-capable package, and
> it won't easily grow to be one.
>> but the basics seem straightforward and in fact already done between
>> Theano and PyCUDA.
> Right. (Famous last words.)
>> Also there's I think not the same pressure on the interface in Python
>> to be good - downstream projects such as PyCUDA, Theano, and gnumpy
>> can make the interface more or less pythonic. It's just a matter of
>> refactoring. I don't know of another project that has done this.
> I guess our ideas about this aren't as different as I thought at
> first--the fact that you say PyCUDA is 'downstream' of that seems to say
> you're talking about the same type of 'common infrastructure' that I had
> in mind.
> We could do a Skype conference to kick this off.
> Andreas
> --
> Andreas Kloeckner
> Room 1311 (Warren Weaver Hall), Courant Institute, NYU
> http://www.cims.nyu.edu/~kloeckner/
> +1-401-648-0599

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