On 8/2/07, Michael George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just out of curiousity, have you compared your approach the gluPick and
> the selection buffer infrastructure in openGL?


Also, some of the things I've read about selection suggest using the
> back buffer for selection but not flipping.  This means you can actually
> really use different colors for everything because it never shows up,
> and you don't have to worry about
> shading/lighting/texturing/fog/whatever.  I doubt it's better than using
> the selection buffer though.

There's a selection buffer?  I don't know how to use buffers, though I think
I see what you're saying.



BTW, glReadPixelsb(x, y, 1, 1, GL_RGB) works.  Thanks, everyone.  By depth
test, I meant figure out the objects' distance from the camera and select
the nearest one.

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