
I've tagged pygame1.8.0rc4.

Here's the tar ball for testing:

4e07b4a68ebc1773f7a2ad557b6adc6c  pygame-1.8.0rc4.tar.gz

Mac OSX, and windows binary installers are coming soon.

It's also tagged in subversion as 1.8.0rc4.

The todo so far is:
- test builds with vista mods, so they install nicely without
administrator privs.
    - need to test with added manifest.
- update the credits file... we need to go through the WHATSNEW file
and add credits for all the contributions to pygame since the last

and I think that is it.  I'll hopefully be able to test the manifest
stuff on a vista laptop tomorrow night.

Now we can test the tar ball, get the binaries out, test them a bit
more, and then release 1.8.0release in a week or so.  Assuming there
are no big issues :)


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