On, Fri Jun 27, 2008, Brian Fisher wrote:

> Um... isn't SDL_gfx LGPL?
> at least, this page says it is:
> http://www.ferzkopp.net/joomla/content/view/19/14/

Yes, it is. LGPL 2.1 (version 2.0.17 verified).

> ... also, isn't pygame.draw made from copies of an old version of SDL_gfx?
> Wouldn't it be natural to adapt this to just be an expanded pygame.draw?

Yes and no. There is a big bunch of SDL_gfx functions, which would be
interesting for the draw module, some of them are already used. We (the
author and me) initially planned to bring SDL_gfx up to a stable build
system and then add a wrapper to pygame. I did not find the time to do
it for now, though ;-).

Personally I'd favour to have SDL_gfx as separate module (e.g. under
pygame.gfx.*), to which the several draw functions refer, if
present. This removes our need to keep in sync with the SDL_gfx code.


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