René Dudfield wrote:
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Knapp < <>> wrote:

    Having worked in both languages, I have to say that with Python your
    head always feels clearer because you don't have 15 things that you
    are keeping track of in the back of your mind, like the heap, points
    to pointers, and more pointers etc. Also testing in Python is way
    faster if the C program has as size at all, thus I tend to test more
    and have less errors in the end. I wish I did not have to type self so
    much in python!!! C++ is much better this way

Indeed... I hate having to type self all the time too... but I am very glad to read self.

It doesn't have to be 'self': 'me', 'the_internal_state_of_this_object', 'Martin', 'René '(*)?


(*) As of PEP 3131

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