That approach is perfectly fine with linear movement - because the linear
calculations aren't affected significantly by how large dt is (or put
another way: x += vx*2 is nearly identical to x += vx*1, x += vx*1 on your

However, with any nonlinear physics (like say, gravity's relationship to
position, or an accelerating object)  or with discrete actions that happen
once per frame (like say the artificial intelligence for an enemy that
decides what to do once every frame), then your game behavior can change
quite significantly depending on what values of dt you get.

For example, lets say you do gravity like this:
vy = vy + gravity*dt
y = y + vy*dt

with a dt of 2, from vy = 0, y = 0, the result is:
vy = vy + gravity*2 = gravity*2
y = y + (gravity*2)*2 = gravity*4

however if you get a dt of 1 twice, from the same starting point, the result
vy = vy + gravity*1 = gravity
y = y + (gravity)*1 = gravity
vy = vy + gravity*1 = gravity + gravity = gravity*2
y = y + (gravity*2)*1 = gravity + gravity*2 = gravity*3

so you've only moved 3/4 of the distance (3 vs. 4 gravitys) down with a
frame rate that is twice as fast, even though you are parameterizing
everything on dt. Note the acceleration component (which is linear with
time) is consistent and accurate with both timestep sizes.

So you asked "what else do you need?" well the answer is if you want
consistent non-linear physics (like say you want the players to jump the
same all the time), then the "else" you need is fixed size timesteps for
your physical simulation.

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 8:27 AM, Christopher Night

> Here's what I always do:
> dt = clock.tick() * 0.001
> x += vx * dt
> y += vy * dt
> And all the sprites have a think(dt) method that updates them as if dt
> seconds have passed. What else do you need?
> -Christopher
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:19 AM, James Paige <>wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 10:59:09AM -0400, Kris Schnee wrote:
>> > On 2010.8.27 10:36 AM, B W wrote:
>> >> Howdy,
>> >>
>> >> Reviving this old thread. The comments by Patrick and Brian really
>> >> intrigued me, so I pursued the topic. Found a few interesting articles
>> >> and one great article. My study has resulted in a recipe for those of
>> us
>> >> continually nagged by the question, "how can I get constant game speed
>> >> independent of frame rate?". The demo requires Pygame, but the clock
>> >> module only requires Python.
>> >
>> > Isn't it simply a matter of creating a Pygame Clock object and calling
>> > clock.tick() to delay until the appropriate time to maintain some max
>> > framerate?
>> That only caps a max framerate. What Gumm is talking about is when your
>> framerate and your game simulation rate can be adjusted independantly
>> ---
>> James Paige

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