Amazing!  This is really cool.

It would be good to merge your changes in to pygame subversion.  Do you
already have subversion access?


On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:39 AM, Tom Rothamel <> wrote:

> Hi. I'm the creator of the Ren'Py visual novel engine
> (, a tool for digital storytelling. Ren'Py has
> been using Pygame since at least 2004.
> For the past month or so, I've been porting Ren'Py to the Android
> platform. A few days ago, I had the first success. This required
> porting Python and Pygame to Android. (I used an existing port of SDL
> to Android.) As I don't believe I've seen a port of Pygame to Android,
> I thought it would be useful if I broke out the pygame support into its own
> distribution.
> The result is Pygame for Android, which can be downloaded from:
> Despite the number in the URL, this is far from a 1.0 release, having
> just begun testing. There is essentially nothing in the way of
> documentation or error handling - I'm releasing this publicly just to
> show that the project has begun.
> It requires an Android 2.0 or higher device, with working OpenGL
> support. To use it, unzip the zip file, install
> PygameLauncher-debug.apk on your device, and copy the pygame/ directory
> to the root of the device's sd card. Then run the launcher icon. After
> showing the Pygame logo for a few seconds, a small test program is
> loaded and run.
> The test program can be changed by editing /pygame/ on the
> sdcard. is imported as a module, and then has its main
> function called - so code should live in the main function. The
> file has a few comments in it.
> The functionality included is largely selected by what I use in
> Ren'Py. Most notably, the mixer module is not included - the
> android_sound module uses the Android media player code, which
> potentially might use hardware acceleration.
> My eventual plan for this, apart from bug-fixes and documentation, is
> to put together a launcher, that allows users to select from projects
> that live on the SD card.
> Again, this hasn't been tested on may devices - so feedback is
> encouraged. I'll try to get the full source code up shortly.
> The following modules are available in this release, although many of
> them have not been tested thoroughly.
> android
> android_sound
> pygame.base
> pygame.bufferproxy
> pygame.colordict
> pygame.color
> pygame.compat
> pygame.constants
> pygame.cursors
> pygame.display
> pygame.draw
> pygame.event
> pygame.fastevent
> pygame.font
> pygame.gfxdraw
> pygame.imageext
> pygame.image
> pygame.__init__
> pygame.joystick
> pygame.key
> pygame.locals
> pygame.mask
> pygame.mouse
> pygame.overlay
> pygame.rect
> pygame.rwobject
> pygame.sprite
> pygame.surface
> pygame.surflock
> pygame.sysfont
> pygame.time
> pygame.transform
> pygame.version
> _abcoll
> abc
> aliases
> array
> ast
> atexit
> base64
> bisect
> binascii
> calendar
> cmath
> codecs
> collections
> compileall
> contextlib
> copy
> copy_reg
> cStringIO
> cPickle
> datetime
> difflib
> dis
> dummy_threading
> dummy_thread
> encodings.__init__
> encodings.raw_unicode_escape
> encodings.utf_8
> encodings.zlib_codec
> errno
> fcntl
> fnmatch
> functools
> __future__
> genericpath
> getopt
> glob
> gzip
> hashlib
> heapq
> inspect
> itertools
> keyword
> linecache
> math
> md5
> opcode
> optparse
> os
> operator
> parser
> pickle
> platform
> posix
> posixpath
> pprint
> py_compile
> pwd
> Queue
> random
> repr
> re
> select
> sets
> shlex
> shutil
> site
> socket
> sre_compile
> sre_constants
> sre_parse
> ssl
> stat
> StringIO
> string
> struct
> subprocess
> symbol
> symtable
> strop
> tarfile
> tempfile
> textwrap
> _threading_local
> threading
> time
> tokenize
> token
> traceback
> types
> UserDict
> warnings
> weakref
> webbrowser
> zipfile
> zipimport
> zlib

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