Hi Tom,

On 06/12/10 09:35 AM, Tom Rothamel wrote:

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:16 AM, stas zytkiewicz <stas.zytkiew...@gmail.com <mailto:stas.zytkiew...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Are you planning to eventually port the pygame.mixer ?

I'm not sure what the strategy for this would be. At the very least, I'll document the sound playback code I have now - and perhaps I'll try to write a compatibility layer.

pygame.mixer wraps SDL_Mixer, which in turn provides a high level interface to SDL's sound interface. I believe SDL_mixer can be built without other dependencies such as SMPEG and ogg/vorbis. So if SDL audio works on the Android then pygame.mixer should work without changes.

Lenard Lindstrom

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