On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Stuart Axon

 Wow, super cool  -  I guess it has python inside it?
> Is it now possible to make android apps with python like this ?

Yes. The basic strategy is to use JNI to communicate between Python and
Dalvik. libpython2.6 is distributed as part of the package, along with

For now, the launcher is an app that runs code it finds on the sdcard. At
some point, I'll try to add the ability to bundle the launcher and a project
together as a single app. (This is made a little difficult by android
changing the names of certain classes it generates based on the name of the

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:16 AM, stas zytkiewicz <stas.zytkiew...@gmail.com>

> Are you planning to eventually port the pygame.mixer ?

I'm not sure what the strategy for this would be. At the very least, I'll
document the sound playback code I have now - and perhaps I'll try to write
a compatibility layer.

René Dudfield wrote:

> It would be good to merge your changes in to pygame subversion.  Do you
> already have subversion access?

I don't, but I don't think it's necessary - there weren't any changes to
pygame required. Once SDL and Python work on a platform, pygame works as

I've released a version 0.2 to:


(Let's retroactively call the first version version 0.1.) This fixes a local
reference leak in the sound code which would cause a crash after 255 sounds
were played. I've also put the source code up at:


Well, this is less source code, and more a collection of build scripts and
various other project files that are required to convince everything to
cross-compile and play well together.

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