On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <le...@telus.net> wrote:

> The "pygame.init('display', ...) is redundant. The exclude list would be
> useful for omitting an unused, costly, module. But in general I agree that
> calling init() only on those modules that are used is good programming
> practice. The Pygame examples should even be updated to reflect this. Using
> pygame.init() is much like "from pygame import *".

I see in the documentation that someone left a comment saying that not
calling pygame.init prevents you from using pygame.time.get_ticks. Is there
a workaround for people who want to use this function but don't want to call
pygame.init? I'm also curious how it might work with lazy imports (which
sounds like a great idea).


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