
Very cool. This has been something many people have asked for before :)

   - Do you know of any other games or examples that are using them?  We'll
   need at least one example to include with pygame, and it would be nice if
   other people can try out the API and give feedback.
   - I think 2.7+ is fine at this point, but it's usually easy to port to
   - We'll need to figure out where internal parts like Quadtree go. Do we
   keep them private or make them publicly available?
   - For testing, it would be good if at least every method is tested. 100%
   coverage tested is not necessary but nice.
   - There needs to be documentation for every public method.
   - The other documentation that would be good is a tutorial in how to use

Maybe we could organise a mini sprint to discuss things? Otherwise we can
go over each part on the mailing list.

I'll be at this game jam thing on Saturday doing pygame things, and perhaps
we can meet then on irc to discuss? If you want to do this, then I could
work on a little game using your libraries to get a feel for them then too.

It's probably a good idea to discuss the API, and get feedback with a few
people on how it could be made more usable before we go ahead and write
lots of documentation/tests/etc for it.

Of course, pygame hasn't done a release for a while. So you may want to
take that into consideration before embarking on all this work.


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Leif Theden <leif.the...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any specific reason for targeting python 2.4?...  It's ten years old.
> Currently, it is tested again 2.7 and 3.3, but I can't think of any reasons
> why 2.6 wouldn't work.  As for 2.4, there might be some issues with the
> generator syntax.  Its been a long time since I've used 2.4.
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 6:06 AM, Jason Marshall <j...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> How difficult would it be to make the code compatible with Python 2.4+?
>> Jason
>>  ------------------------------
>> * From: * Jason Marshall <j...@yahoo.com>;
>> * To: * pygame-users@seul.org <pygame-users@seul.org>;
>> * Subject: * Re: [pygame] TMX support in pygame
>> * Sent: * Thu, Sep 18, 2014 11:48:26 AM
>>   I haven't used your tools myself, but if they really work well and
>> have a tutorial and good documentation, then I'm in favor of adding them.
>> Batteries included!
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>>   ------------------------------
>>  *From:* Leif Theden <leif.the...@gmail.com>
>> *To:* pygame-users@seul.org
>> *Sent:* Monday, September 15, 2014 11:51 AM
>> *Subject:* [pygame] TMX support in pygame
>> Hello everyone!
>> I'm a long time user of pygame and active member of #pygame under the
>> handle bitcraft.  I help many people who stumble into the channel to build
>> their first game in pygame.  I've also released and maintain a couple small
>> libraries PyTMX and Pyscroll to help new users develop using the Tiled Map
>> Editor.
>> https://github.com/bitcraft/PyTMX
>> https://github.com/bitcraft/pyscroll
>> The Tiled Map Editor is widely known in the indie game community and many
>> popular game development ecosystems include out-of-the-box support for it,
>> including pyglet, cocos2d-x, allegro5, libgdx, and many others.
>> I am confident that PyGame will benefit from a TMX loader that it is
>> integrated into the core and documented on pygame.org.
>> As maintainer of PyTMX and pyscroll, I would like to nominate these
>> projects to be integrated into the pygame core.  They both support python
>> 2.7 and 3.3+ and I have tried to make them feel like native pygame
>> libraries; and they even work well with the spite/group concept.  The only
>> library that it depends on outside of the python standard lib is the six
>> module.
>> There are of other loaders available as well, and I will list them as
>> well for the consideration of the pygame core developers.  My apologies if
>> I have overlooked another tiled TMX map format project.
>> http://www.pygame.org/project/1158/
>> http://pytmxlib.readthedocs.org/en/v0.1.0/
>> https://bitbucket.org/r1chardj0n3s/pygame-tutorial/src/a383dd24790d/tmx.py
>> https://github.com/renfredxh/tmx
>> Thank you everyone and I look forward to hearing your comments.

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