Hi Bartosz,

You do make some good points, especially about dependencies and being able leave stuff out if desired.

Best wishes,

        - Miriam

On 01/10/14 05:18, Bartosz Debski wrote:
If Pygame will include your modules in, then it becomes a standard
feature. You have stated that on page of your project that imports from
Tiled are pretty much your main target as a input files. What if
(however unlikely) Tiled will change their exports to a level where your
modules will have to be constantly modified to support new stuff ? Will
Pygame see weekly or monthly releases just to support your changes ?

Lastly I can support your modules but only if there is an option to
exclude them while compiling pygame on my machine. Why ? Well, when I
compile my code into binaries I don't want stuff in that I don't need.

Don't get me wrong, form what is see your modules sure are useful and
great that your have created them. Would it be better to have the as
supported 3rd party modules, listed on Pygame site on curated list ?
Then you are still in control of all your changes and improvements you need?

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 - Dr. Charles Elachi, director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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