
I had hoped to go further... but haven't yet.

So here is what I've got so far on SDL2 basics.
Apart from reading the source, it's useful to run it.
But I guess you probably know these parts already.

The best resources for SDL2 are...

    All function and structure documentation is in here.
    Also installation instructions, and how to download the latest code
from their hg. repo

    These are in C++ but cover many things in a tutorial style. With
example code.

    Another C++ tutorial series using the medium of Youtube.
    This time making a roguelike, rather than topic specific..


https://discourse.libsdl.org/ (where devs hang out)
    These have mailing list archives, which is now a forum.
    A good place to ask questions and to see what is happening.
    Apart from following the hg repo, here are where developments happen.

    Where patches and bug reports land.
    Some interesting discussions on things are in here.
    Search for closed bugs.

    Web brows-able hg (mecurial).

> hg clone https://hg.libsdl.org/SDL SDL
Inside the source, see the header files (which also have some docs) and the
test folder.
The tests are actually short example programs, but are also used for
manually testing things.

> cd test

Finally, because there are very few resources, searching github All
repos->Code-> C and C++ files can be useful.

On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 9:10 PM e1000 <e1...@globenet.org> wrote:

> On 06/11/2018 15:59, René Dudfield wrote:
> >
> > Last month I started a couple of articles on C related stuff, that I
> > hope you will enjoy.
> > One on 'post modern C tooling' for all the tools people are using post
> > 2011 with C.
> > Also one on SDL2 fundamentals in C.
> Hi,
> where are those articles? I'm interested to read them!
> best regards,
> e1000

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