Hey yas,

There are binaries for Mac, Windows, and Linux with SDL2 on pypi.

You can try it out with a command something like this:
python3 -m pip install pygame==2.0.0.dev2 --pre --user

Also, SDL2 is the default now when you compile from source. You can use python
setup.py install -sdl1 to compile against SDL 1.2.

Feels like some sort of milestone close(r) to the finish line?

Apart from lots and *LOTS* of work on the Color, Mask, and pygame.draw
stuff, there are a few more experimental things. Like the sprite module
compiled with Cython into C code. Additionally there is the new SCALED
mode, for automagically scaling your low resolution game into a viewable
sized window (a 320x200 window is tiny on a 4k screen... so this makes it
bigger and scales everything for you).

Check these lists out for more detailed info on what's changed:

   - merged PRs
   - 341 Commits since 1.9.6


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