
Words can't describe what a wonderful person you are. Without your
efforts there simply wouldn't be PyGame, and without PyGame there
wouldn't be our wonderful community of Python game makers. I can't speak
for anyone else, but I wanted to publicly acknowledge my gratitude and
respect for you, your work and all that you contribute.

Best wishes,


On 07/10/2019 10:28, René Dudfield wrote:
> */I'm tired./* Been spending some months on pygame stuff.
> That article(novella) I promised several months ago about
> contemporary C tools is still unfinished(but probably useful).
> Learnt lots from writing it. Especially researching how other projects
> do things.
> I tried to include instructions on how to use tools, and further links
> to videos and articles.
> Here's some issues of those tools applied to pygame:
> A few people have been helping with these issues,
> but @charlesej in particular has been amazing in going through mountains
> of issues uncovered.
> The pygame code base is significantly cleaner, more portable, and less
> buggy because of it.
> Speaking of bugs, as people have been using the 2.0.0.dev3 release,
> they've been finding various bugs.
> I've labeled all SDL2/pygame 2 related compatibility issues reported by
> people as `*critical*`.
> These `critical` issues will be my focus as we move forward to shipping
> pygame 2.0.0.
> If you feel like helping out with any of these critical issues, that
> would be highly appreciated.
>     - confirm the bug (on your platform).
>     - cheer people on in the issues
>     - write a minimal working example script so people can reproduce the
>     issue.
>     - write a test case, or try and clarify the issue
> Lots more has been going on,
> which I'll expand on in the release notes for the upcoming 2.0.0.dev4
> release.
> (We're 684 commits since the last stable release).
> ps. DaFluffyPotato released a new commercial game using the pygame
> 2.0.0.dev3 release.
> "Drawn Down Abyss" is getting good reviews... check it out:
> pps. Feels like progress?

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