On Sat, 25 Mar 2000, Michael Lauer wrote:

> > On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> > Well, I'm not sure how much breakage would be, but it's certainly not up
> > to James alone: Gtk+ 1.4 is sure to break code anyway. As PyGTK is still
> > young, I think there is still hope to fix those things...
> I can't find anything about future Gtk+ versions on www.gtk.org - where
> do you got these information from ?
Owen Taylor and Tim Janik gave a good talk about what will be in gtk+-1.4
(or 2.0, as it may be called when they release it) at GUADEC.  The slides
for their presentation are available at:

You could also look at the gtk-devel-list archives, as the future of gtk
is often discussed there.


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