Jon Nelson wrote:

>I have no choice.  I can't use the GtkCTree in this instance at all,
>and I have tied to Python 1.5.2, gtk 1.2.[6,8] and pygtk 0.6.8 (can't run anything
>newer because they require either newer version of gtk or python
>than I can provide).  The GtkCTree doesn't support arbitrary levels
>of nesting.
Really?  I hadn't noticed that limitation.  Other than being limited to 
text and pixmaps in GtkCTree, CTree is almost always the right choice 
for 1.2 apps.  If you want something that looks and acts like the old 
GtkTree widget, I recommend doing the following:

  ctree = gtk.GtkCTree(1, 0)
  ctree.set_column_auto_resize(0, gtk.TRUE)

Then add your tree nodes.


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