On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 17:40, Colin Fox wrote:
> In addition to my previous message about the missing yellow star in the
> About menu, the "Gnome About" dialog itself is causing me some grief.
> If I show the about box, then dismiss it, then show it again, my program
> aborts immediately with a segfault. No traceback stack or anything. I've
> tried handling the 'response' and 'close' signals (hiding the dialog &
> returning gtk.TRUE), to no avail.

Catch the 'delete' signal and ignore it (return gtk.TRUE). That will
prevent the widget from being deleted.

> Also, in Glade, the dialog box shows "programname X.X" - however when I
> bring up the about box from my program, nothing is shown in that space.

Set the 'name' and 'version' properties on the GnomeAbout widget before
the widget is shown. I can see the logic of not setting the version
number in Glade (it changes more often than you want to change your
.glade file), but the lack of name setting has always seemed a bit odd,
I agree.

By the way, the name you want shown in the about box is not necessarily
the name string you pass in to the gnome.init() method. It really wants
to be the same as whatever the 'human-readable-name' property of
GnomeProgram to (if you set that property), but that is getting pretty
subtle (not a lot of programs do that).

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