On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 00:48, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> Set the 'name' and 'version' properties on the GnomeAbout widget before
> the widget is shown. I can see the logic of not setting the version
> number in Glade (it changes more often than you want to change your
> .glade file), but the lack of name setting has always seemed a bit odd,
> I agree.

Cool. So now I have:

aboutbox.set_property('name','Demo Program')

and it works. I don't remember seeing any docs on this anywhere.
Would it be worth putting this into the FAQ?

> By the way, the name you want shown in the about box is not necessarily
> the name string you pass in to the gnome.init() method. It really wants
> to be the same as whatever the 'human-readable-name' property of
> GnomeProgram to (if you set that property), but that is getting pretty
> subtle (not a lot of programs do that).

Ok - is there some documentation somewhere that states all of the
properties of the various Gnome components and their purposes?

Thanks for the help!
CF Consulting Inc.

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