On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 20:09, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> > This causes it to work properly if the user clicks the "Ok" button, but
> > it's a hack. Why should you have to force a signal to be stopped just
> > because you're using an about box? I don't think the old versions of the
> > library required such contortions... Regardless, if the user clicks the
> > close box, it will still crash when you try to re-invoke it.
> > 
> > I'm catching the close signal, and it NEVER gets sent. That seems to be
> > a bug, too. Same with the delete event. The ONLY event sent by the about
> > box is 'response'. 
> OK, pretend I am waving my hand in a Jedi-like fashion and saying "There
> is no problem here". Convinced? I'm not kidding ... everything is
> working normally.

Cool! Being a gnome developer gives you Jedi powers! 

> If you are still reading this, my powers are weaker than I thought, so
> here is an explanation of what is going on...

Your explanation is quite clear. Thank you!

> For your standard GtkDialog widget, the only way the 'close' signal is
> emitted is when the Escape key is pressed. Widgets deriving from
> GtkDialog may have other buttons that are hooked up to emit 'close', but
> by default it is only bound to the Escape key (try it and see for the
> About dialog -- you can close it with Escape and it emits the predicted
> signal).
> So, in short, for something like the About dialog box: connect to
> 'response', hide the dialog box and then call the emit_stop_by_name()
> method. Connect to 'delete' and ignore it by returning gtk.TRUE. Ignore
> 'close' -- it is not useful in this case.

Except, as you've pointed out, that it's used for the Escape key
handling. If you catch 'close', the escape key works. Otherwise it's
ignored. I like making it go away with an escape key, so I'll keep the
close handler.

> Does this clarify things? If not, please sing out, because my psychic
> abilities tell me that Christian may end up using his cut-and-paste
> buttons to drop portions into the FAQ (possibly as an extension to
> 10.6), so it would be good if it was vaguely understandable.

Amazing - Jedi powers & psychic abilities. Who said programmers were
boring? :)

Just to sum it up - this is what I needed in my program to make the
about box work completely (these handlers are part of a class):

    def on_aboutbox_response( self, dialog, arg1, *args ):
        # system-defined GtkDialog responses are always negative,
        # in which case we want to hide it
        print "aboutbox_response"
        if arg1 < 0:
            dialog.emit_stop_by_name( 'response' )

    def on_aboutbox_close(self, widget, event=None):
        return gtk.TRUE

    def on_aboutbox_delete_event(self, widget, event=None):
        return gtk.TRUE

Naturally, the 'close' and 'delete_event' signals could point at the
same handler. It's just useful to have them separate for debugging.

I still think the response handler having to do an emit_stop_by_name()
is weird. Why can't I just hide it, like the other handlers?

CF Consulting Inc.

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