On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 09:34, Jon Willeke wrote:
> See PyGTK FAQ 10.6 for my description of how to use gnome.ui.About:
> In short, you have to stop the emission of the "reponse" signal. 
> True is not sufficient.
> I've asked in GNOME bug 119405 whether this is expected behavior. 
There is 
> a tentative response that is not.

Hmm. I put this in:

    def on_aboutbox_response( dialog, arg1, *args ):
        if arg1 < 0:
            dialog.emit_stop_by_name( 'response' )

This causes it to work properly if the user clicks the "Ok" button, but
it's a hack. Why should you have to force a signal to be stopped just
because you're using an about box? I don't think the old versions of the
library required such contortions... Regardless, if the user clicks the
close box, it will still crash when you try to re-invoke it.

I'm catching the close signal, and it NEVER gets sent. That seems to be
a bug, too. Same with the delete event. The ONLY event sent by the about
box is 'response'. 

Also the fact that there's a segfault instead of a normal python
stacktrace indicates this is a bug within one of the libraries, though I
have no idea which one.

CF Consulting Inc.

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