On Thu, 2006-05-04 at 16:12 +0000, JUAN ERNESTO FLORES BELTRAN wrote:
> Andrew Conkling wrote:
> >Then you need to install a good theme. :)  Your distro, assuming you're 
> >using a major one, should >come with a good selection already.
> I am running Suse 10.0
> Thomas Mills wrote:
> >In general, the theme philosophy is meant to give users control over the 
> >appearance of >applications on their computer and to ensure a consistent 
> >look across the board. That is, normally, >the application writer should 
> >never have to think about themes at all -- across the board, all GTK 
> > >applications will have the same look for dialogs, text entries, buttons, 
> >etc.
> So, my pygtk application as well as my Desktop Environment (Open_Office, 
> Konqueror, etc) is going to be graphically improved depending on the theme 
> installed??  What if y only want to improve my application but not the whole 
> environment??  I am really interested on a GTK theme called VistaBut, once 
> installed on my computer is going to change the whole environment or only my 
> pygtk applications?, what happens if then I decide to create a .exe by using 

The whole environment.

> py2exe and run the application in a windows system???  Is the theme (and all 
> the nice looking) lost as a result of this??

Yes. The theme is specific to the desktop and varies with each

> Thomas Mills wrote:
> >1. If you need a widget that does not exist in other applications, you need
> >to draw it yourself and can control the look of it.
> >2. If for some reason the look of your application is very specialized... 
> >in
> >that case, you should be able to do everything with a custom theme for your
> >app as others have suggested.
> Do you suggest to learn how to draw widgets and figures with cairo if  a 
> special looking is required?

You need to differentiate between special look and special behavior. It
is usually best to stick with the widgets in the toolkit.  Not only do
you get the benefit of short development time and fully tested widgets
but applications will work in similar manners and the user won't be
learning a special behavior for your individual application.

> Thomas Mills wrote:
> >It sounds like you may have an unusual application in mind -- if you
> >can specify precisely what it is you're trying to customize the look of,
> >you'll be able to get some more specific, useful help.
> I am developing a telecommunications oriented application, it is an 
> alternative designed on Open Code to the  Pathloss proprietary tool. After 
> that I will designed an application oriented to the oil industry

That really doesn't help too much, that is, the description isn't
precise enough.  e.g. Do you not like the color of your text input
boxes, or do you like rounded buttons versus squarish buttons.  Or do
you need a widget that doesn't function at all like any other out there?

If you are just tweaking the look of your particular application (the
former of the above scenarios), that can be done.  Currently I'm stuck
on a very old platform with Gtk 1.2 and PyGtk 0.6.9 but I'm sure the
generalities still apply. My particular application is a management
system for our DynaCenter product suite. The application is used in
large data centers or NOCs for systems management. When we do demos for
large customers we sometimes will "brand" the user interface to give the
customer a better impression of how we can customize the application.
To do that I create a resource file that is tied to the application by
using gtk.rc_parse() method.  As an example, part of the RC file for a
demo for IBM might look like this:

style "IBM_bg"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#4169e1"
    bg[PRELIGHT] = "#3A5FCD"
    bg[ACTIVE] = "#3a5fcd"
    bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#4876ff"
    #bg[SELECTED] = "#00659C"

style "IBM_colors" = "IBM_bg"
    fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
    base[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
    text[NORMAL] = "#4169e1"
    fg[PRELIGHT] = "#FFFFFF"
    fg[ACTIVE] = "#FFFFFF"
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#00008b"

# and further down in the file

widget "*" style "IBM_colors"

Then our application would use a color scheme (the full file requires a
lot more changes as you will find out...) that looks like the customers
other in house enterprise applications.

> thanks for your answers
> Juan
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