John Pye wrote:
> It's not found when running (for example) the PyGObject installer.
> Python itself seems to run fine. I think it could be a bug in distutils,
> or something missing in the '' for these packages.
> Given that PyGObject just installs Python modules that are only then
> loaded via python.exe (or other applications that embed Python), it's
> probably fair for the PyGObject installer to also search in c:\Python25
> before concluding that msvcr71.dll is not available. It appears not to
> be doing that.
Just to be clear, is it the installer executable itself that is failing?
If so, the installer executable probably isn't looking for the dll
directly, but relying on the OS to find it.

My theory: The pyxxxx.exe installers probably depend on msvcr71.dll
( is timing out, so I didn't check). Normally this would
not be a problem since Python would already be installed, which would
have added its directory to the system path.

But your installer's environment won't get automatically updated when it
installs python. So when it then launches the pygobject installer, the
subprocess inherits the environment from your installer which does not
include the updated path. One way to test this from your fresh vm:

-install python by double clicking from explorer
-install pygobject by double clicking from from explorer
did it work?

Again from a fresh vm:

-open a command prompt
-change to the c:\temp\ dir (or wherever the installers are located)
-run python installer by typing its name
-run pygobject installer by typing its name
did it fail?

If all that is correct, then you'll probably need to do one of the
things I suggested before, but temporarily. 1) Include msvcr71.dll in
your installer and extract it to the same temp directory used to save
the pyxxxx.exe installers (assuming you know that). This should be
deleted post-install. 2) If nsis lets you manually modify its own
environment, just modify PATH to include the python directory before
launching the pyxxxx installers. When your process exists, that change
will be gone.

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