On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Siddhartha Kasivajhula
<countvajh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, but does Elixir
> (http://elixir.ematia.de/trac/wiki) fit in anywhere in this discussion? I'm
> a relative newcomer to pyramid and I've been meaning to use Elixir on top of
> SQLAlchemy when I do write a SQL-based app (so far my only experience with
> pyramid has been simple apps that didn't need a SQL layer). Seems like
> SQLAHelper may be for more nuanced use cases but just thought I'd ask for
> clarification while this email thread is active.

Elixir and SQLAHelper address different questions. SQLAlchemy by
itself has an API to define tables and ORM classes. SQLAHelper is a
container to organize one's engines, sessions, and declarative bases
-- it does not deal directly with ORM classes. Elixir provides a
"super-declarative" syntax for defining ORM classes, and may provide
additional "active record" features beyond that.

Elixir was released at a time before SQLAlchemy's declarative syntax
existed. MikeB added declarative after many long clamors for this
feature, but he did it in a minimal way, to offer just enough syntax
sugar without getting too magical. Elixir may go beyond that but I'm
not sure. So I don't know whether Elixir has any added value now that
declarative is in standard SQLAlchemy.

In any case, there's two different issues: "Can I use Elixir with
Pyramid?" and "Will Pyramid officially support Elixir, or include it
as a default feature?" The answer to the first question is, "Probably.
You can ask about Elixir on this list or look in the Pyramid Cookbook
for user-contributed articles on it."  The answer to the second
question is, "No, it's a high-level library, and Pyramid includes only
medium-level libraries. E.g., there's built-in support for SQLAlchemy,
but not for any particular form library."

SQLAHelper is kind of between official and unofficial support. Whether
it should be an official default or not, is what people in this thread
have been discussing.

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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