
Would you consider adding a link to your articles by adding another page on the Pyramid Community Cookbook:

...and under Publications:

I can also publicize via our Twitter feed.

I've seen a few requests for tutorials/how-tos for AWS deployment come through the #pyramid IRC channel.


On 3/11/17 at 2:50 PM, wpu.cl...@gmail.com (Dan) pronounced:

Hi all,

I spent some time over the last week or so trying to get some pyramid apps on AWS via Elastic Beanstalk. I had some trouble because unlike flask and django, there aren't any step-by-step docs or templates. I also had a requirement, keep it as simple as possible. This meant no EB CLI. Luckily, with a hint from stackoverflow's webjunkie (also thanks to Michael Merickel for some input) I was able to get it working. After it was working I was logging into the EC2 instances to install my starter application, but I eventually tweaked my requirements.txt file so that I only had to upload my project as a compressed zip file.

That said, I have two articles on how to do these things on my new AWS site, http://www.bruisedthumb.com. I appreciate any feedback. Yes I know the site is ridiculously simple. I'm a dad, so I have to do this stuff before 7AM before the kids wake up.


Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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