On Sat, 5 Sep 2009, Morimoto Tetsuya wrote:

I completed the Japanese translation for PyLucene web site.
# you can see translated site after extracted an attach file

Excellent !

In the beginning, I was thinking to publish that on my web site,
but the pylucene-ja community's members recommended to send to the
original site.

I understand their point of view. The issue that I have with it as things stand now is that I don't know any japanese myself and I don't know any Japanese speaker that I can ask to double-check this for accuracy and validity.

This being the internet, how can I know - for sure - that this translation is correct and not some japanese spam, for example ?

Now, I want to trust you and I don't think that there is anything fishy going on here but how can I be sure of that ?

Is there anyone reading this list that know enough japanese and that is willing to read the attachment that was sent out and vouch that it is correct and valid ?

Additionally, I found the ja-translation also can use css/design as
well as original site.

So, I think that should be put on the apache.org.

Do you know how to tell/ask webmaster of apache.org?

I would be the one to put it up there but first you would have to re-write it in Apache Forest syntax, the software we use to produce the HTML on the Lucene web sites.

But before you do, I'd very much like to find someone independent who can verify the accuracy and validity of your translation.

Sorry for being a little paranoid, but this is almost as risky as putting binaries up for download that someone else built.

Let's wait and see if someone steps forward...

Thanks !


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