Hi, I'm using PyLucene in Win XP, and is throwing me the following.

G:\Solr\Pylucene svn>python setup.py build -c mingw32
running build
running build_py
copying jcc\config.py -> build\lib.win32-2.5\jcc
copying jcc\classes\org\apache\jcc\PythonVM.class -> build\lib.win32-2.5\jcc\cla
copying jcc\classes\org\apache\jcc\PythonException.class -> build\lib.win32-2.5\
running build_ext
building 'jcc._jcc' extension
C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -O -Wall "-Ic:/Archivos de programa/Java/ jdk1.6.0_07/include" "-Ic:/Archivos de programa/Java/jdk1.6.0_07/include/win32" -I_jcc -Ijcc/sources -IC:\Python25\include -IC:\Python25\PC -c jcc/sources/JArra
y.cpp -o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\jcc\sources\jarray.o -DPYTHON
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<_jobject*>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:610:   instantiated from `_t_jobjectarray<_jobject*>'
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:617:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<_jobject*>' with only non-defau
lt constructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jobjectarray<_jobject*>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:617:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:610: error: base `_t_jarray<_jobject*>' with only non-def
ault constructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<_jstring*>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:934:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<_jstring*>' with only non-defau
lt constructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<jboolean>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:950:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<jboolean>' with only non-defaul
t constructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<jbyte>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:966:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<jbyte>' with only non-default c
onstructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<jchar>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:982:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<jchar>' with only non-default c
onstructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<jdouble>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:998:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<jdouble>' with only non-default
constructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<jfloat>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:1014:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<jfloat>' with only non-default
constructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<jint>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:1030:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<jint>' with only non-default co
nstructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<jlong>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:1046:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<jlong>' with only non-default c
onstructor in class without a constructor
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp: In instantiation of `_t_jarray<jshort>':
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:1062:   instantiated from here
jcc/sources/JArray.cpp:28: error: base `t_jarray<jshort>' with only non-default
constructor in class without a constructor
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

Any ideas?

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