On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Truffe Hugo wrote:

Hello, I am not present. I am Hugo from Argentina and my English is quite bad. Well, let's see if I understand.

- JCC already within PyLucene.

Yes, the sources to JCC are part of the PyLucene source distribution. JCC is a sub-project of PyLucene: http://lucene.apache.org/pylucene/jcc/index.html

- I need to have Java installed, I have the jdk1.6_7

Yes, that version is supported.

- I have Python, version 2.5. I'm a Python developer (Turbogears)

Yes, that version is supported.

- Need c + +. For this MingGW lower-5.1.4, but I say that does not work (if I understand you wrong). The idea is to drop a compiler for c + + where. Is that correct?.

Yes, you need a C++ compiler. On Windows, I've only tried some old VC++ version on Windows 2000. I've heard that the current VC++ version works and that the $0.00 VC++ Express version also works. If you'd like to use another compiler, such as MinGW, people using it on this list should be able to help you. Other C++ compilers on Windows are not known to work.


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