On Wed, 28 May 2008, Peter MacRobert wrote:

Hi there

Thanks for you responses. Glad to know I'm not suffering in silence :-)

I am running the ports version of python because I need to install several
other libraries from ports, e.g. ipython, py-readline, psycopg2, etc. And
every time I try to install one of those packages using ports it requires
the ports version of python25. I know I could get around these on an
individual basis, but after a while it becomes very tiresome.

I assume that I should put this somewhere:


but where?

In your environment. For example, in ~/.bashrc.
Or set it in your shell before starting the build:

Please note that if the python you installed from ports was built with a different value, the build is still going to fail with an error saying that you're now mixing executables built for different targets.

If you must use python from ports and must use a different value than 10.5 for MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET then, as a workaround, you can do one of:
  . either force enable_shared to be False in JCC's setup.py
  . or remove the use of @rpath in JCC's setup.py (line 132) and instead
    set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in your environment to include the directory
    where libjcc.dylib is installed

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