Ok, scrap that last question... "make install" sorted it out. duh :-)

Everything seems to be working A-ok. Now I need a good starting point on how
to actually _use_ lucene in a Python (Django) application. Any good
tutorials I can start on?

Ta for all the help.


On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Peter MacRobert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ok, we're getting somewhere.
> Step 1: remove all traces of python25 installed from ports! I just built
> all the stuff I need manually... no biggy.
> Now jcc is building the correct version (10.5) and I get a clean build on
> pylucene.
> The next step is - where do I install it to? I'm assuming I need to do
> something with the jars that are placed in the build/ dir, but there are no
> instructions in the README or INSTALL files.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 10:37 PM, Andi Vajda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 May 2008, Peter MacRobert wrote:
>>  Hi there
>>> Thanks for you responses. Glad to know I'm not suffering in silence :-)
>>> I am running the ports version of python because I need to install
>>> several
>>> other libraries from ports, e.g. ipython, py-readline, psycopg2, etc. And
>>> every time I try to install one of those packages using ports it requires
>>> the ports version of python25. I know I could get around these on an
>>> individual basis, but after a while it becomes very tiresome.
>>> I assume that I should put this somewhere:
>>> but where?
>> In your environment. For example, in ~/.bashrc.
>> Or set it in your shell before starting the build:
>> Please note that if the python you installed from ports was built with a
>> different value, the build is still going to fail with an error saying that
>> you're now mixing executables built for different targets.
>> If you must use python from ports and must use a different value than 10.5
>> for MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET then, as a workaround, you can do one of:
>>  . either force enable_shared to be False in JCC's setup.py
>>  . or remove the use of @rpath in JCC's setup.py (line 132) and instead
>>    set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in your environment to include the directory
>>    where libjcc.dylib is installed
>> Andi..
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> --
> Peter MacRobert
> > Facilitating value-added convergence by harnessing collaborative metrics.

Peter MacRobert

> Facilitating value-added convergence by harnessing collaborative metrics.
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