I last used pymol about a year ago (not sure which version), but typical
ray-tracing jobs of simple cartoon-ribbons etc took mere seconds to a
few minutes at most.  I just upgraded to the new v0.98 and made some
similar figures, but the ray-tracing is taking 30 min to 1 hr or
more.  This is pretty much unusable if you need to ray-trace several times
to get the figure to look how you want.  Am I the only one experiencing
slow ray-tracing with pymol?  I'm using the windows build provided on the
pymol website.  I tried 2 PC computers:

(1) 1.4 GHz athlon
    512 MB ram
    Geforce2 GTS (64MB) Graphics Card

(2) Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 Desktop Replacement
    2 GHz cpu (pentium m 760)
    Geforce go 6800 ultra
    1 GB ram
    WinXP media centre edition

The Dell is more than powerful enough to render rapidly...but both
computers behaved similarly.  Anyone have any ideas?

- Mark

Oh yeah, please make a clean way of aborting from a ray-trace...please.

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