Hi everyone:

A new plug-in architecture has been added to MacPyMol (available in versions 1.00 beta 03 and later). This allows plug-ins to be developed for MacPyMol using the native Mac development tools (Xcode) and frameworks (Cocoa). I have a couple of these plug-ins working, and so far they have proven fairly useful. The first is a commands palette where you can save your own pymol commands and execute them with a double-click. The second gives you a table view of a molecule's PDB string, along with the ability to make and save named pymol selections by interacting with the contents of the table.

I'm in the process of creating a web page that explains these in more detail, and figuring out an installer mechanism (the manual installation method is decidedly non-mac-like) so anyone interested can give them a try.

In the meantime, if any MacPyMol users have suggestions/requests for plug-ins, i'd love to hear them.


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