Hi Bea, hi Michal, 

On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 20:58 +0200, Beatrice During wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Sep 2005, Michal Wallace wrote:
> >I recently did a "sprint" in the form of
> >the pyweek game challenge. We hung out in
> >IRC for most of the week and made a game.
> >(Or at least a game engine, before we ran
> >out of time!)
> >
> >To me it was an exercise in project
> >management but it was also a recruiting
> >tool: I wanted to see what it was like to
> >work with certain people before I spent
> >the money to actually hire them.
> >
> >It worked well, and I plan to continue
> >using that model to screen potential
> >hires in the future... Maybe a company
> >with more cash in the bank could use
> >pypy in a similar way?
> >
> What a great application - do you mind if I spread the word about this..?

I'd rather like to think that it's a nice side effect of sprints
that you can get to know people who are interesting to hire.
But the main reason for that is that you meet people who are
doing things out of their own interest.  If you start
proposing or inviting to sprints for hiring purposes they
might easily become more of a "working contest" or exam situation
and loose much of the fun that you get from collaborating out 
of free interest.  


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